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Network Meeting Oslo (Fall 2018)
12 November 2018 – 13 November 2018
NETLIPSE Network Meeting Oslo (Fall 2018)
The 25th NETLIPSE Network Meeting took place in Oslo, Norway on the 12th and 13th of November 2018. First of all we would like to thank our hosts for making these very successful days possible: Nye Veier, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Statens Vegvesen, Jernbanedirektoratet, Bane NOR and BI Norwegian Business School!
We hope to see you all at the next Network Meeting in Tampere, Finland on 13th/14th of May 2019!
NETLIPSE Management Team
>> Please, scroll down for the summary, presentations and photos!
Day 1: Monday, November 12th
Hans Ruijter (Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands) opens this Anniversary Network Meeting (25th) in Oslo with a special thanks to the hosts of this event: Nye Veier, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Statens Vegvesen, Jernbanedirektoratet, Bane NOR and BI Norwegian Business School. With 73 delegates from 12 countries an all-time record of participants will participate in an interesting and interactive programme.
Sebastian Kussl (Nye Veier, Norway) welcomes all the NETLIPSE delegates to Oslo and is happy to organise this event with several other Norwegian organisations. Sebastian presents some funny insights into the Norwegian culture: “the Norway way”. We learn what preferred topics for conversation we should use, what Norwegians like to eat and how they work.
Pau Lian Staal-Ong (NETLIPSE, The Netherlands) presents the results of the NETLIPSE Board Meeting on Sunday, 11th of November. A new Chairman is chosen: Hans Ruijter (Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands) as well as a new Deputy Chairman: Pekka Petäjäniemi (Finnish Transport Agency, Finland). We wish them good luck for the upcoming three years!
Therese Ustvedt (Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway) provides an overview of the Norwegian transport infrastructure plans. In this country with only 5,3 mln. inhabitants, the government is planning an impressive ambition to build many roads, bridges, tunnels, railways and airports. These ambitions are summarized in the twelve year National Transport Plan: the investment programme for the annual budget. This year, the Transport Plan budget has increased by 45% compared to previous years. Therese provides insight in the many railway projects around Oslo, the ports and ferry projects in the northwestern part of Norway and the road projects throughout the country, such as the E39, several PPP-projects and smart mobility projects. After the presentation there is an interesting discussion on challenges in maintenance and renovation. Especially due to the weather conditions in Norway, maintenance of the infrastructure assets is a challenge.
Niels Gottlieb and Vibeke Schiøler Sørensen (Danish Road Directorate, Denmark) present the challenging Storstrøm Bridge project from both a technical and legal perspective. The € 550 mln. new bridge is 3,8 km long and will not only be suited for cars, but also for 200 km/h trains. First Niels Gottlieb presents the technical characteristics of the bridge and the main strategical decisions, such as the contract and tender procedures. The tender procedure includes a technical dialogue, prequalification and a competitive dialogue. Vibeke Schiøler Sørensen presents the major challenges in the tender process from a legal perspective and how the project team managed these. During the tender process, the project is faced with changes in political decisions as well as an inquiry into one of the selected contractors about corruption, resulting in strong media attention and a review of the tender process. After the presentation, an interesting group discussion takes place about how to deal with bankrupt contractors, the tender procedure approach, the competitive dialogue and main lessons learnt, such as early stakeholder identification, risk assessments and communication.
After a coffee break, Hans Ruijter (Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands) shares the findings from his PhD-research on Resilient Partnership, based on his experiences from the € 5 bn. Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere (SAA) road project. Hans starts the presentation with the statement “Contracts cause conflicts” and the paradox of contracts: it is about finding the balance between rules (contract-based approach) and freedom (relation-based approach). A good balance leads to more resilience and trust. However, a good partnership cannot be arranged only on paper, but requires a trustworthy relationship. For a successful partnership, a cultural change is necessary. Hans explains the so-called ‘narrative approach’, which is about storytelling: sharing stories from different perspectives to understand dilemma’s better. SAA shares their stories via interviews, workshops and an interesting animated video. Share your experiences and learn from each other is his advice
Pekka Petäjäniemi (Finnish Transport Agency, Finland) introduces the Norwegian parallel sessions of the Norsk Kafé:
- Digitalization in the construction industry, hosted by Statsbygg.
- Concurrent Engineering, hosted by Epsis and BIM Oslo.
- Integrated Project Delivery, hosted by Nye Veier.
Johan Arnt Vatan (Nye Veier, Norway) presents a brief overview of Nye Veier’s projects and the E6 in particular. He shares Nye Veier’s first experiences with the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) approach, which is about optimizing the project as a whole, by integration of for example information, costs and benefits, risks and personnel. The idea is that together you share ‘pains and gains’, by working for the project, not for your own wallet. Apart from the characteristics of IPD, there is an interesting discussion on collaborating closely with a foreign contractor and the risks for the client and contractor.
Astrid Torsteinson (Epsis, Norway) and Anders Nesse Gjøsund (BIM Oslo, Norway) present the method and software that have been developed as part of a research project and that allow multiple disciplines and actors to plan and engineer projects in an integrated manner. The method supports decision making and a high performance team, for example by using generic session planning, BIM and visualization. Based on Norwegian experiences, this method has proven to speed up the process and produce better solutions.
Bjarni Einarsson and Frode Mohus (Statsbygg, Norway) share their experiences on digitalization in the building of the Gol traffic control centre: a pilot project where they are testing many digital innovations. Currently there is a need and attention for digitalization: stakeholders want projects to be flexible and digital. The ‘Dygibygg Program’ implements several digital tools in the projects, for example: using drones to get geographical data, a robot to drill holes, sensors to get real time data, resulting in a paperless construction site and virtual reality to test certain designs. Statsbygg also explains their experience with using 3D BIM in the project and even 4D (time) 5D (costs), 6D (sustainability) and 7D (facility management).
After the parallel sessions, there is a short plenary feedback round, before Pekka Petäjäniemi (Finnish Transport Agency, Finland) announces the presentations of two big projects in the middle of a city: the new Slussen project in Stockholm and ZuidasDok in Amsterdam.
Project Director Peter Svärd and Deputy Project Director Lisa Jacobsson (City of Stockholm, Sweden) present the € 1,2 bn. project in the middle of Stockholm: New Slussen Project. The project scope includes: providing the city with good drinking water, new meeting places and more space for public transport, cyclists and pedestrians. One of the reason to update the Slussen is the actual risk of flooding. Major challenges during construction are the ongoing traffic demands and the fact that the construction takes place in the middle of the city centre. The archaeological findings during the construction are rewriting the history of Stockholm. Lisa presents interesting insights on collaboration and mentions the importance of building trust and a culture where people help each other. The project team developed a puzzle, the pieces show what makes collaboration a success.
Hans Versteegen (Rijkswaterstaat-ProRail-Amsterdam, The Netherlands) presents the € 2 bn. project ZuidasDok, located in between Schiphol Airport and the Amsterdam City Center. Due to the growth and major urban and economic developments in this area (which has the size of a ‘stamp’), doing nothing is not an option. Responsible parties also conclude that doing it alone is also not an option, resulting in a project with several clients: Rijkswaterstaat, ProRail and the municipality of Amsterdam, as well as only one contractor. Hans elaborates on the challenges of a multi-client project and discusses the complex organisation, with the ZuidasDok project team in the middle.
After these two interesting presentations, there is a group discussion on effective contract size, because in Stockholm 26 contracts are being tendered and in Amsterdam only one for their respective works. Furthermore, some perspectives on collaboration with the main stakeholders and costs control are shared.
Clara Caroli (L’Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po (AIPo), Italy) presents the INIWAS project: a € 46 mln. project consisting of the removal of six physical bottlenecks on the waterways of Northern Italy. The Po river is part of the EC Mediterranean corridor and is an important economic and recreational link. The AIPo conducts studies, works and measures for flood protection and the development and management of the Po river area. After an interesting project overview, Clara shares the main challenges of the project, such as working in three different Italian areas with different laws and regulations and the national and regional reforms immediately after the start of the project.
Day 2: November 13th
Hans Ruijter (Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands) opens the second day and is happy to announce an increasing interest for IPAT assessments. The network will conduct more than four IPATs in 2019. If you are interested in the IPAT, please let us know!
After taking a group picture, Per-Olov Karlsson (NETLIPSE Ambassador, Sweden) opens the session on Early Contractor Involvement.
Ole Jonny Klakegg (NTNU, Norway) starts with a research perspective on Early Contractor Involvement, based on the PhD research of Paulos Wondimu (NTNU, Norway). Ole Jonny starts with asking some fundamental questions: what is ECI and when is the right moment to involve the contractor in the project? The research of NTNU on ECI is based on 11 real-life Norwegian bridge projects. NTNU has developed a framework with several approaches on how contractors can be involved earlier. There is ongoing research on the optimal timing for involving the contractor.
After this research perspective, Eva Nordberg (Trafikverket, Sweden) shares her experience with ECI in a Swedish railway project: the Mälaren Line project. Based on the complexity, uncertainty and the degree of freedom in the project, Trafikverket decides if a project is more or less suitable for ECI. As an answer to the questions of Ole Jonny Klakegg, Eva Nordberg presents when and how Trafikverket involve which types of contractor in what stage of the project. In the Mälaren Line project Eva worked with a two-phase contract: first a design contract and afterwards a D&C contract. Eva ends her presentation with some lessons learnt from earlier contracts.
Finally, Willem de Graaf (Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands) presents a Dutch perspective on ECI, based on the experience in the A28/A1-project. After a definition of Early Contractor Involvement and why it can be beneficial to projects, Willem gives a brief introduction of the A28-A1 project. In this project, Rijkswaterstaat worked with a PD&C (Planning-Design-Construct) contract. One of the reasons to work with ECI was that there were many regional scope requests. Nearly all these requests were included in the awarded design. The main challenge in the planning application phase is how to keep design costs associate with changes in that phase to a minimum.
After the three presentations, an interesting panel discussion takes place on the (soft) values used for the evaluation of tender documents, on how to realise innovations in a contract and on incentives for the contractor and determining a target price.
After a coffee break, Manuela Rocca (Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (TELT), Italy) presents the € 8,6 bn. cross-border project: Lyon-Turin railway line. The project organisation exists of a French-Italian Board. The project started their preliminary construction works, but is dealing with some stakeholder issues. For years the building site is protected by 400 policemen. A recent study shows the expected socio-economic benefits of the project for Italy. However, after the 2018 elections and the collapse of the Genoa Morandi Bridge, a discussion on infrastructure projects is intensified. Although there are current protests in favour of the Lyon-Turin railway line, the government has asked for a new project assessment. Due to these discussions, there are now 336 infrastructure projects slowed down in Italy, causing a loss of € 810 bn. After the presentation, a discussion about stakeholder involvement, communication and the effects for the project team, takes place.
After a very impressive video, Kjersti Kvalheim Dunham (Statens vesvegen, Norway) introduces the € 37 bn. E39 Coastal Highway Route project, existing of 300 km of tunnel and many bridges, including floating bridges and tunnels. When the project is realised, several world records will be broken. To develop all these innovations, 50 PhD studies are going on investigating all kinds of topics, such as risk management – based on a NASA approach – and sustainable energy-producing infrastructure. PhD-student Paulos Wondimu shortly elaborates on his research, which is about Early Contractor Involvement (competitive dialogue and BVP) and alliances and partnering. The E39 project team is planning to use competitive dialogue in some parts of the E39 project. Apart from ongoing investigations, the project has already started with the tendering and several construction works. After the presentation, there is a discussion on the costs and benefits of the project, environmental and stakeholder issues, the ongoing research projects on the innovative technologies and the management of such a large programme.
At the end of day 2, Pau Lian Staal-Ong (NETLIPSE, The Netherlands) elaborates on the IPAT (Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool® developed by the NETLIPSE network): the history, the recently executed review, the ‘new and improved’ IPAT and the IPAT training on January 18th 2019 in Stockholm. Jochen Eid (Autobahndirektion Südbayern, Germany) shares his experiences as a recent client of an IPAT assessment on the A99 Munich Ring Road that was executed in July 2018. The IPAT was very valuable for the A99 project, and insight from the IPAT assessment is being applied in other projects. Gilbert Peiker (Bayerisches Staatsministerium WBV, Germany) elaborates that the quick process (approximately 2 months) is one of the strengths of the IPAT assessment in his opinion. Finally, Mauri Mäkiaho (Finnish Transport Agency, Finland) presents his experience as a recent client and IPAT assessor. He was client of the E18 project for the IPAT in 2017 and participated in the assessor team of the Riihimäki Rail Renovation IPAT in 2018, which both were a valuable learning experience for him.
Before leaving the BI Norwegian Business School to go to the site visit, Pekka Petäjäniemi (Finnish Transport Agency, Finland) presents the next Network Meeting location: Tampere in Finland on May 13th-14th 2019!
We end the meeting at the Follobanen Information Centre, where Hans Christian Kruse, Morten Sigvartsen and Arne Hansen (BaneNOR, Norway) present the BaneNOR organisation, their project portfolio and contract strategy, the technical challenges and the systematic commissioning of the Follobanen project.
After a visit to the Information Centre, we look back on two very successful and interactive days thanks to our Norwegian hosts and all delegates present.
We hope to meet you all on May 13th and 14th 2019 in Tampere, Finland!
- 14c_arne hansen_project completion pims
- 4_niels gottlieb and vibeke schioler sorensen_storstroemsbroen
- 9a_ole jonny klakegg_eci looking for optimal approach
- 6_norsk kafe intro
- 14a_hans christian kruse_thefollolineproject
- 9b_eva nordberg_eci
- 5_hans ruijter_resilient partnership netlipse
- 6a_bjarni einarsson and frode mohus_netlipse_statsbygg
- 14b_morten sigvartsen_bane nor contract strategy and future projects
- 12_pau lian staal_ipat
- 8_clara caroli_iniwas
- 3_therese ustvedt_investments in transport infra in norway
- 7a_peter svaerd and lisa jacobson_ new slussen
- 2_sebastian kussl_welcome
- 1_hans ruijter_netlipse welcome oslo
- 6c_johan arnt vatan_ipd
- 6b_anders gjosund and astrid torsteinson_concurrentengineering
- 7b_hans versteegen_zuidasdok
- 10_manuela rocca_ telt
- 11_kjersti kvalheim dunham_ferjefri e39
- 9c_willem de graaf_eci
- 13_pekka petajaniemi_netlipse_invit_2019