Final Programme
The final programme for the NETLIPSE Network Meeting in Bratislava is online now! We would like to thank the Slovakian Ministry of Transport and Construction for hosting this 24th Network Meeting.
Dates of the meeting: Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th of April 2018
Sunday optional boat tour and site visit Gabčíkovo locks
On Sunday 8th April an optional boat tour on the Danube and site visit to the Gabčíkovo locks are organised from 15:00 – 18:00. Participants of the boat tour will leave hotel Kormorán at 14:45. If you arrive no later than 13:00 at Vienna airport, you will be able to join the boat tour.
Please sign up when you register for the Network Meeting, if you would like to join the boat tour and site visit.
Already more than 30 participants from 11 countries have registered!
Now that the programme is finalised, we look forward to very interesting days in Bratislava! At this moment already more than 30 participants have registered from 11 different countries. Do not miss the opportunity to meet colleagues and discuss your project challenges!
[REGISTER FOR THE BRATISLAVA NETWORK MEETING] – Registration is free of charge for NETLIPSE target group members.
You can download more practical information, e.g. on the meeting location, transportation and more, via the link below:
We hope to see you all in Bratislava!