Have you already registered for the Oslo Network Meeting?

The next NETLIPSE Network Meeting will take place in Oslo. The Network Meeting will be hosted by Nye Veier, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and most probably Statens Vegvesen.

Dates of the meeting: Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th of November 2018.

You can register for the meeting now!
The online Registration Form is active. So this is the time to reserve your spot in order to join an interesting group of Project Managers and specialists discussing experiences in managing and delivering large infrastructure projects in Europe. Please note that participating in a Network Meeting is free of charge for members of the network, so feel free to introduce your colleagues.

[click here to register for the Oslo Network Meeting]

The preliminary programme for the NETLIPSE Network Meeting in Oslo will be available soon. Several elements of the programme are:

  • Project presentations, such as the Norwegian E39 Coastal Highway Route and the New Slussen project in Stockholm;
  • A ‘World Café’ with various topics;
  • Discussions on Early Contractor Involvement (ECI);
  • Presentation of the large railway project Follobanen and visit to its information center;
  • and much more!

NETLIPSE is still working on the programme and welcomes your suggestions for contributions to the programme. If you are interested in contributing to the programme please let us via info@netlipse.eu.

Meeting location and hotel suggestion
The Network Meeting will take place in:
BI Norwegian Business School
Nydalsveien 37
0484 Oslo, Norway

Discount hotel rooms for NETLIPSE delegates are available at the Thon Hotel Europa (St Olavs gate 31, Oslo; Tel. +47 23 25 63 00; website). Make the reservation by sending an e-mail to europa.booking@olavthon.no, using the discount code 26877761. You will need to provide your name and phone number for the reservation. The reserved rooms will be held until October 11th.

You can find more information about transport from and to Oslo via this this website.

Target Group Network Meetings
NETLIPSE is the NETwork for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure ProjectS in Europe. The target group for the NETLIPSE Network Meetings is public sector clients and academic professionals with a proven track record in the delivery or study of large infrastructure projects.