Interesting Research Articles

Interesting Research Articles

Our NETLIPSE research ambassadors have compiled a list of interesting research articles related to infrastructure projects that have recently been published. The articles cover a wide array of topics, ranging from studies that investigate how sustainability requirements can be incorporated in procurement processes, to how to deal with uncertainty in public-private partnerships. We hope you enjoy reading them!

Incorporating sustainability & public values:

Designing and implementing procurement requirements for carbon reduction in infrastructure construction – international overview and experiences.
By Kadefors, A., Lingegård, S., Uppenberg, S., Alkan-Olsson, J., & Balian, D. (2021). Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64(4), 611-634. 

Circular public procurement through integrated contracts in the infrastructure sector.
By Lingegård, S., Havenvid, M. & Eriksson, P.E. (2021). Sustainability, vol 13:21, 1-19.

The balancing act: How public construction clients safeguard public values in a changing construction industry. (PhD thesis).
By Kuitert, L. (2021). A+ BE | Architecture and the Built Environment(06), 1-234.


Dealing with Uncertainty in Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership Projects. (PhD thesis).
By Demirel, H. C. (2022). Delft University of Technology, Delft.

Interorganizational Governance in Projects: Contracts and collaboration as alignment mechanisms. (Ph.D. thesis).
By Nikulina, A. (2021). Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.

The Performance of Public–Private Partnerships: An Evaluation of 15 Years DBFM in Dutch Infrastructure Governance.
By Koppenjan, J., Klijn, E.-H., Verweij, S., Duijn, M., van Meerkerk, I., Metselaar, S., & Warsen, R. (2022). Public Performance & Management Review, 1-31.

Improved reliability in planning large-scale infrastructure project delivery through Alliancing.
By Walker, D. H., Serra, P. V., & Love, P. E. (2022). International Journal of Managing Projects in Business(ahead-of-print).

Follow the collaboration compass.
By Haaskjold, H., Andersen, B., Langlo, J. A., & Aarseth, W. (2021). International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 13(3), 245-272.


Innovation outcomes and processes in infrastructure projects – a comparative study of Design-Build and Design-Build-Maintenance contracts.
By Larsson, J., Eriksson, P. E., Lingegård, S., & Järvenpää, A.-T. (2022). Construction Management and Economics, 1-15.

Project control & Risk management:

Exploring a public client’s control systems in infrastructure projects from a relationship history perspective.
By Järvenpää, A-T., Eriksson, P.E. & Larsson, J. (2022).Construction Management and Economics, vol 40:1, 56-71.

Project Governance in State-Owned Enterprises: The Case of Major Public Projects’ Governance Arrangements and Quality Assurance Schemes. 
By Larsen, A. S. A., Volden, G. H., & Andersen, B. (2021). Administrative Sciences, 11(3), 66.

Improving value for money through better front-end management: An attempt to reduce costs and increase user benefits in the planning of a motorway project. By Welde, M., & Volden, G. H. (2022). Case Studies on Transport Policy.

Raising risk awareness in multi-criteria design decisions for integrated design and construction tenders.
By van der Meer, J., Hartmann, A., van der Horst, A., & Dewulf, G. (2022). Construction Management and Economics, 1-17.