IPMA Research Workshop in Istanbul

Les Squires, Brane Semolic and Pau Lian Staal-Ong organised a research workshop during the IPMA World Conference on October 31, 2010. The NETLIPSE network was used as an example during the workshop.

The workshop topics were:

1. The role of professional associations in post-globalized business environment – IPMA case study,
2. Classical vs. virtual organization,
3. The purpose, business model and benefits of Professional Virtual Communities (PVC),
4. IPMA as PVC,
5. IPMA transformation project – from classical professional organization towards open innovation PVC,
6. What MAs needs to do – ABC of MAs transformation projects,
7. Practical demonstrations and tutorials with tools such as Skype, Facebook, Linkedin, and the IPMA Family social network.

For more information please contact Pau Lian Staal-Ong.