Munich Preliminary Programme is available

The next NETLIPSE Network Meeting will take place in Munich, Germany, hosted by Oberste Baubehörde im Bayerischen Staatsministerium des Innern, für Bau und Verkehr (Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, structures and transport).

Dates of the meeting: Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st of November 2017

The preliminary programme for the NETLIPSE Network Meeting in Munich is online! Main topics are:

  • Sponsor/client organisations;
  • Early stakeholder involvement;
  • Innovation in mobility;
  • Developments on airports;
  • and much more!

[DOWNLOAD THE PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME] – Final programme will be announced in the upcoming weeks

[REGISTER FOR THE MUNICH NETWORK MEETING] – Registration is free of charge for our target group

We would like to thank the Oberste Baubehörde im Bayerischen Staatsministerium des Innern, für Bau und Verkehr organisation for hosting the meeting in Munich and we hope to meet you there!

[click here for more information]

Target Group Network Meetings
NETLIPSE is the NETwork for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure ProjectS in Europe. The target group for the NETLIPSE Network Meetings is public and academic professionals with a proven track record in the delivery or study of Large Infrastructure Projects.