New Chairman of the Board: Per-Olov Karlsson

NETLIPSE is proud to announce that Per-Olov Karlsson is the new Chairman of the NETLIPSE Board. During the NETLIPSE Board Meeting in Helsinki on the 26th of May the formal transition of the Chairmanship from Leender Bouter to Per-Olov Karlsson took place. On the first day of the Network Meeting in Helsinki Leendert Bouter announced that he has resigned as Chairman of the NETLIPSE Board. Dick Jonkers, the Dutch NETLIPSE representative, thanked Leendert for being the ‘founding father’ of the network on behalf of Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Transportation Agency). Stuart Baker, vice chairman of NETLIPSE, thanked Leendert for being a strong and thriving force in the NETLIPSE Network for many years. After thanking Leendert for his great contribution to NETLIPSE Per-Olov was happy to accept the Chairmanship and present himself to the delegates present at the Network Meeting in Helsinki. He looks forward to taking new steps with the network.