Virtual Network Meeting
As you know the fall Network Meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, November 10th 13:00 – 16:00 (GMT+1). Hopefully you have saved the date in your agendas!
This meeting will most likely take place via the application Microsoft Teams. Please inform us via if you are unable to use this platform.
The preliminary programme is now available. The central topic of this Network Meeting is ‘Project Resilience in times of (COVID) crises’. The programme will include:
- Two project presentations: about their challenges and how they coped with crises situations.
- A plenary discussion on crises and project resilience.
- Interactive Research Café on Project Resilience, organised by our Research Ambassadors.
[You can find the preliminary programme here]
The final programme will be announced shortly.
Do not forget to register for the virtual Network Meeting
At this moment approximately 40 participants from 14 different countries have registered. If you would like to join the virtual Network Meeting, please register via the link below. Only registered participants will receive link to join the meeting.
[Register here for the virtual Network Meeting]
Do not miss the opportunity to discuss your project challenges with colleagues!
Target Group Network Meetings
NETLIPSE is the NETwork for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure ProjectS in Europe. The target group for the NETLIPSE Network Meetings is public sector clients and academic professionals with a proven track record in the delivery or study of large infrastructure projects.