On the 18th and 19th of November 2013 the 15th NETLIPSE Network Meeting took place in Bratislava, Slovakia. The meeting was generously hosted by our partner, the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic.
On the 17th of November a very interesting bus tour was organized by our host. Delegates were given the opportunity to visit Project section D1: Mierová – Senecká, vulgo: the D1 motorway bypass of Bratislava and highlights of Bratislava City. After this bus tour the NETLIPSE Board meeting took place at the Ministry’s offices.
On Monday November 18th at 08:45 hrs the Network Meeting was formally opened by our new Chairman Per-Olov Karlsson. The morning programme consisted of a number of presentations by the NETLIPSE Management Team, the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic, the NETLIPSE Scientific Board and the Italian Association for Total Cost Management. In the afternoon a group discussion took place on how to develop project managers skills. The day ended with a presentation on early stages in the planning process for a major Swedish infrastructure project and a presentation on the experiences with the IPAT (Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool).
The second day of the Network Meeting started with the announcement that Dick Jonkers from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment will leave the Board of NETLIPSE and has handed over his position to Carlita Vis from the same ministry. Stuart Baker thanked Dick for all of his efforts. After that a very interactive presentation on Dutch experiences with Best Value Procurement took place. At the end of the morning programme the delegates were honoured by a visit from Denisa Žiláková, Director General of the Operational Program Transport Division. In the afternoon there was a presentation and discussion on the Bagage Handling at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and a presentation on e-Mobility. At the end of the meeting the delegates were introduced by members of the NETLIPSE Management team to new possibilities at the NETLIPSE website and the ideas for research projects to become involved in.
The meeting was visited by 45 delegates from 12 different European Union Member States.
All presentations of the Network Meeting as well as photographs can be found here.
The next Network Meeting is planned for 11th – 12th May 2014 in Belgium.