New Assessors!
On Friday January 18th 2019 an IPAT Assessor training took place in Stockholm, hosted by Trafikverket – the Swedish Transport Administration. In total 10 participants from different countries joined this training. We would like to congratulate our new potential Assessors from Trafikverket (Sweden), Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands), Autobahndirektion Südbayern (Germany), National Motorway Company (Slovakia), ProRail (The Netherlands), SKEMA Business School (France), Stockholm County Council (Sweden) and our new coordinator from AT Osborne (The Netherlands).
Would you like to become an Assessor as well?
NETLIPSE is continuously searching for new (Lead) Assessors to join our IPAT-teams! IPAT assessors are part of the international peer-to-peer IPAT assessments applied in large infrastructure project in Europe. Would you like to be an IPAT-assessor? Please contact us via
Would you like to have an IPAT Assessment on your project?
If you would like to have an IPAT Assessment carried out by experienced peers responsible for the delivery if large infrastructure projects in Europe or would like more information on the IPAT assessment tool, please contact Pau Lian Staal or Geertje van Engen (