
Mission & Goals
NETLIPSE aims to be an active and interactive network that stimulates the development and dissemination of knowledge and experiences in the management and delivery of large infrastructure projects in Europe.
NETLIPSE’s mission is to contribute to Europe’s connectivity and economy by improving the development, delivery and operation of Large Infrastructure Projects (LIPs) through active and effective knowledge exchange. The NETLIPSE network consists of representatives from client, sponsor and project delivery organisations as well as research institutes. Their interests are jointly covered in the NETLIPSE goals:
- How to become better clients/sponsors and realise (and organise) transport infrastructure ambitions with better value for money, with less funding available.
- How to become better project delivery organisations.
- How to learn from successful projects and less successful projects.
- How to realise better research projects to support the NETLIPSE vision.

NETLIPSE seeks to achieve these goals through the following objectives:
- Organising bi-annual Network Meetings in cooperation with hosting member organisations in different European countries and for project managers, project directors and researchers in the field of large infrastructure projects.
- Building the NETLIPSE network with new delegates, partners and sponsors each year, whilst maintaining the personal and informal character of the network.
- Sharing news, research, conferences and European initiatives related to LIPs on the NETLIPSE website and its social media.

2006-2008: European research project (FP6)
NETLIPSE started as a two-year research programme supported by the European Commission Sixth Framework Programme (FP6; from 2006 to 2008). The research first assembled European client organisations, project delivery organisations, universities and other research institutes. In total 15 Large Infrastructure Projects were studied for their management and organisation. The best practices have been published in ‘Managing Large Infrastructure Projects.’

2008-2010: European network and IPAT development
From 2008 to 2010, Rijkswaterstaat (NL), Department for Transport (UK) and the European Commission (TEN-T Executive Agency) provided funding for the development of the NETLIPSE initiative. Several other client/sponsor organisations and research institutes provided in-kind contributions. Knowledge exchange and development was promoted through networking activities, training programmes and the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT®).

2011-present: European client/sponsor network
NETLIPSE is supported by partners and funded through some of the network’s own activities. The activities of NETLIPSE have further consolidated the network with a solid member base. The objective of knowledge exchange and development remains at the core of NETLIPSE and is supported through Network Meetings, research initiatives, project leader seminars, trainings and IPAT assessments.
Partners and sponsors
NETLIPSE partners are public organisations that provide a sustainable financial contribution to the network. Every NETLIPSE partner holds a position in the NETLIPSE Executive Board and Management Team, allowing the partner to co-direct the NETLIPSE network and activities. Interested in becoming a NETLIPSE partner? Please contact us.
NETLIPSE sponsors are public organisations that provide incidental support to NETLIPSE (financial or in-kind), for example by hosting a Network Meeting. Interested in becoming a NETLIPSE sponsor? Please contact us.

NETLIPSE partners are represented in the NETLIPSE Executive Board and sponsors are invited join to bi-annual Board meetings. The Board decides on the strategy of NETLIPSE and approves the yearly budget. The strategy is implemented by the NETLIPSE Management Team which is responsible for preparing all decisions for the Board and organising the NETLIPSE activities. The Management Team is comprised of a representation of the partners and sponsors. For the day to day management, the Management Team is supported by a Network Director and Network Manager. The scientific community – represented by Research Ambassadors in the Board and the Management Team – focuses on presenting, discussing and initiating relevant research projects.
Executive Board (EB)
The main responsibility of the Executive Board is to monitor the progress and the accomplishments of the network objectives. The Executive Board appoints the Management Team.
Management Team
The Management Team is responsible for the management of the network and the realisation of the NETLIPSE objectives and deliverables, such as Network Meetings, IPAT assessments and training. For any inquiries about NETLIPSE activities, contact us.
Research Ambassadors
The Research Ambassadors coordinate and initiate research activities that support the NETLIPSE goals and the network as a whole.
IPAT Assessors
All IPAT Assessors have taken part in a IPAT Assessor Training and are trained in using the Infrastructure Projects Assessment Tool for evaluating large infrastructure projects. All IPAT Assessors are fluent in English and selected to be independent from the projects to be assessed. IPAT Assessors are experienced project managers and project directors with a proven track record in large infrastructure projects. If you like to become an assessor contact us.