The TEN-T EA organised its second Project Management Workshop in Brussels on 12-13 January 2010. The event, which mirrored the first Project Management Workshop held in December 2008, featured both a plenary session as well as smaller breakout thematic sessions, aimed at providing participants with more in-depth information on more specific topics.
All the presentations delivered during this event as well as a selection of pictures can be on the TEN-T EA website. The video recording will also be uploaded to this page once it becomes available.
NETLIPSE was present at the Project Management Workshop. On the first day of the 2-day Meeting, a presentation on NETLIPSE was given by Mr. Marcel Hertogh (NETLIPSE Programme Manager) and Mr. Tony Francis (UK Department for Transport Representative). You can view their presentation here.
The TEN-T Project Management Workshop concluded on Wednesday one and a half days of intense discussions over many diverse topics linked to TEN-T projects. The event was organised by the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) mainly to offer the possibility to TEN-T funding beneficiaries to provide feedback regarding their experience with TEN-T funding and succeeded in its goals, attracting over 300 participants.
The event was opened by TEN-T EA Executive Director Dirk Beckers, who outlined how the Agency changed considerably during the last twelve months before moving on to introducing a series of presentations about the main topics of the Workshop: Calls for Proposals, Decisions, Evaluation, Strategic Action Plans (SAPs), Action Status Reports (ASRs) and the Payment Cycle among others.
Three thematic break-out sessions were also organised to present a series of best practices and give participants the opportunity to intervene and comment. The results from these discussions were then presented during the morning of the second day to the plenary assembly, in order to collect feedback from everyone on the various points raised the previous day.
The conference was then closed by the speeches delivered by the Acting Director for Transport, Logistics, TEN-T and Co-modality of DG Energy and Transport Jean-Eric Paquet and by the DG TREN Director-General Matthias Ruete, who touched on the future of TEN-T policy and of transport in general respectively.
Mr Beckers concluded the event by summarising the key points which emerged from the various discussions and ensuring that the Agency would pay close attention to them and improve its procedures accordingly. He insisted that the success of the Workshop would rely on implementing comments received in order to streamline and simplify procedures within the Agency to offer an ever better service to beneficiaries.
For more information on the TEN-T Project Management Workshop, click here.